“The scope of Swaelu’s Services was invaluable to our work during the legislative session. Whether we needed a creative strategy, a fact sheet, an advocate prepped for a interview or a video to go viral, Swaelu delivered, allowing us to responsive and magnify this issue ten-fold. For an advocate, there’s no better compliment to what we do. ”
iowans 4 medical cannabis
Advocacy work is face-paced and ever changing. Swaelu Media provided a comprehensive array of services to propel the public awareness campaign for Medical Cannabis legalization in the State of Iowa in 2016. We worked hand-in-hand with lobbying partners, Advocacy Strategies LLC, to educate Iowa’s legislature, media and public about the critical role of Medical Cannabis legislation for hundreds of thousands of sick and suffering Iowans. Our efforts led to unprecedented exposure in the statewide media for the issue and a growing and diverse support base including the addition of nearly 200 Iowa elected officials and business leaders.
Services provided:
• New Website
• Banners & Signs for Public Events
• Video Production
• Sponsor Procurement
• Social and Traditional Media Support
• Data and Fact Sheet Creation
• Press Management
• Op-Ed Support
• Speaker Scheduling and Prep
• Issue and Advocate Research